OBTAIN AND REVIEW physical evidence, employee/witness information, and paper evidence pertinent to the investigation.

  • Physical— photographs, drawings, equipment manuals.
  • Employee/Witnesses— statements, interviews, WSI First Report of Injuryform
  • Paper— policies, programs, training records, maintenance records, incident reports
Basic Details
Add Witness

(A proximate cause is an event which is closest to, or immediately responsible for causing, some observed result. Examples may include: inmate spit in my face; vehicle struck object, sharp metal cut hand, etc.)

CONCENTRATE on the root causes (energy sources/hazardous materials/unsafe acts/unsafe conditions/management policies/personal factors/environmental factors).
  • Use the following listing as an aid for identifying the factors that led to the accident.
  • Not limited by the categories listed (check all that apply).

IDENTIFY CAUSES, not blame someone.
From the categories identified above, circle the major cause or causes of the accident:

Engineering Controls-Eliminate/reduce hazards through equipment redesign, enclosure, replacement, substitution, etc.
Administrative Controls-Eliminate/reduce frequency and duration ofexposure through changes ofwork procedures and practices, scheduling, job rotation, breaks, training, or additional training etc.
Personal Protective Equipment-for personal use that present a barrier between worker and hazard.

Please enter corrective action details when applicable else below fields are optional. If applicable all fields marked * are required on each row

OBTAIN AND REVIEW physical evidence, employee/witness information, and paper evidence pertinent to the investigation.
  • Physical—photographs, drawings, equipment manuals
  • Employee/Witnesses—statements, interviews, WSI First Report of Injury form
  • Paper—policies, programs, training records, maintenance records, incident reports
Risk Manager

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