Designated Medical Provider Selection Employer Designation

Please complete a separate form for each business location.

All fields marked * + are required fields

Employer Details
If no, WSI will not recognize your selection

Please Note:
  • Designated Medical Provider (DMP) selection should be reviewed annually.
  • The DMP selection does not apply to emergency care.
  • Employees have the right to add additional medical providers to the above list (referred to as opting out).
  • Employees must notify the employer of their additional medical provider or opting out prior to an injury.
  • There can be more than one DMP. DMPs can be individuals, clinics, hospitals or any combination.
  • They can be medical doctors, chiropractors, osteopaths, dentists, optometrists or any combination.
  • The DMP will remain in effect until the employer notifies WSI of changes.
  • If an employee opts out, he/she should retain a copy of the form.

Acknowledgment & Signature

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